Thursday, February 23, 2012

C++ Programming Anti-Patterns and Annoyances

  1. #include "file.cpp"
  2. Declaring fields as protected with a comment stating that a friend class is the only one who should access them.
  3. Allocating an object using new instead of on the stack because it must be passed by pointer to a function and the programmer doesn't know that they should use the address-of (&) operator.
  4. Having two functions foo(A*) and foo(A&) that are copy-and-paste identical save for using -> instead of . because the programmer didn't realize how to convert references to pointers and vice versa.
  5. Making fields public via by-reference getter and setter.
  6. Thinking copy-and-paste == code reuse.
  7. Using "string const &" instead of "const string&"
  8. Implementation in header files
  9. if (p) delete p;
  10. if (b == true), if (b == false)
  11. if (v.size() == 0)
  12. "using namespace" in header files
  13. Using vector to represent a rectangle
  14. v[15].first.second.first[5].WhatTheHeckAmIAnyway()
  15. Passing user-defined objects by value
  16. for(int i = 0; i < n; ++i) { if (i == 5) a[i] = 0; }

Friday, March 18, 2011

Makefile Optimization: Disable Implicit Rules

make -d shows that make spends a lot of time looking for files that don't exist and evaluating obsolete implicit rules. You can use make -r to disable these implicit rules and potentially speed up your build. However, if you're like me and you can't rely on developers using the -r flag, you can add this to your makefiles:

# Disable implicit rules to speedup build
%: %.o
%: %.c
%.ln: %.c
%.o: %.c
%: %.C
%.o: %.C
%: %.cpp
%.o: %.cpp
%: %.p
%.o: %.p
%: %.f
%.o: %.f
%: %.F
%.o: %.F
%.f: %.F
%: %.r
%.o: %.r
%.f: %.r
%.ln: %.y
%.c: %.y
%.ln: %.l
%.c: %.l
%.r: %.l
%: %.s
%.o: %.s
%: %.S
%.o: %.S
%.s: %.S
%: %.mod
%.o: %.mod
%.sym: %.def
%.dvi: %.tex
%.texinfo: %.texinfo
%.dvi: %.texinfo
%.texi: %.texi
%.dvi: %.texi
%.txinfo: %.txinfo
%.dvi: %.txinfo
%.c: %.w
%.tex: %.w
%.p: %.web
%.tex: %.web
(%): %
%.out: %
%.c: %.w
%.tex: %.w
%: %,v
%: RCS/%,v
%: RCS/%
%: s.%
%: SCCS/s.%